One thing that's interesting with that list, is that it's a different level of granularity. The Poverty Campaign for example, focus more on how the game will feel like as a player. Noteworthy is also the Internet Campaign, which focus more on the arrangement for play that its contents.
The three campaign styles mentioned above approach the subject from the perspective of a GM, or at least from a top-down view. Maybe the degree of granularity in the vocabulary, and a difference of viewpoint can help us get a more useful toolbox for rpg criticism. At least the vocabulary is about using words somewhat like their everyday usage, which Forgespeak don't do.
What are the things worth considering when starting a campaign? I will try to make a list of things I think are important.
- What are the level of GM control?
- What will be the feel and power level experienced by the players?
- Who or what will be the engine of the game?
- Which rules set will help/hinder/enforce the ideas above?